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You can pay to move your own shed From the Telegraph (0 comments)

Dahl wrote his famous children’s stories in the 6ft x 7ft hut situated at the bottom of his orchard in Great Missenden, Bucks. It has now fallen into disrepair and the family hope to move it, piece by piece, to a museum around the corner where it will be restored for public display.


Publicising the campaign with an appearance on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, the author’s granddaughter, Sophie Dahl, said the money was desperately needed.

“It’s in a bit of a state, poor little hut. It needs help. We are trying to raise half a million pounds, which sounds like a great deal of money to move the interior of a little hut but it’s quite a process,” she said.


The appeal was aired on the annual Roald Dahl Day but immediately backfired. The BBC was deluged with complaints from listeners who asked why the cost could not be met by the family and the proceeds of the author’s estate, which receives millions each year from book and film royalties.


Many listeners asked why Miss Dahl, a successful model, writer and BBC cookery presenter, could not fund the project herself. She is a millionairess in her own right and is married to Jamie Cullum, the jazz musician with an estimated personal fortune of £5 million


"Roald Dahl Day tainted by Sophie Dahl begging for public money to fix Roald's writing shed whilst his books are still selling worldwide" one listener wrote on twitter


“I love a bit of Roald Dahl. But being asked by his millionaire granddaughter to stump up for his shed being moved takes the Wonka biscuit,” said another.


Twenty-one years after his death, Dahl remains one of the world’s most succesful children’s authors. Over 100 million copies of his books have been sold in 49 languages.

The estate is run by Dahl’s widow, Liccy. In addition to book sales and merchandising, it receives royalties from film and theatre adaptations including the 2005 Hollywood version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, starring Johnny Depp, which made £300 million at the box office.


Amanda Conquy, chairman of the Roald Dahl Museum and managing director of the literary estate, defended the campaign and pointed out that £250,000 has already been raised.

The Dahl family have been “very generous” to the campaign and donate 10 per cent of their gross income from royalties to associated charities, she added.

“If anybody from the public wants to give money that would be great but we are not expecting them to. Our requests are going to trusts and foundations,” Miss Conquy said. “We have raised half of the money already and the point of today’s announcement was to tell the world that soon the shed will be open to the public.”


The £500,000 cost will include conservation of the hut’s contents and designing a new space for it in the museum. The exterior of the 1950s brick structure will remain in the orchard but the interior will be moved.

It has been left just as it was when Dahl was alive, down to the screwed up manuscripts in the wastepaper basket and the cigarette butts in the ashtray.


A few comments 


Syzergy_PointThis has to win the prize for the least compelling charitable appeal ever


mick_collins - £500k for the shed? No way. £500k to stop Jamie Cullum going near a recording studio again or Sophie making another cookery programme?

Worth every damn penny!


bigmanlittlehair - Here's my opinion, put those short arms into those long pockets and pull out the change you think will cover the conservation...


ajb675 - Best part is that it's not to move the shed - just the contents!!!! Personally, I'd take a few photos, make a home movie and then get Pickfords involved - total cost approx £1000 and that includes generous tips for the driver and his mate.


tonydartford - The family have been very generous and donate 10% of their income to charities. They still have more than enough money to pay for the shed. Just plain greed privatise the income and nationalise the expenditure


russell61 - ..think poorly put and presented. The shed must be saved but not so sure about the public saving it though!! If the family are able and willing I think they ought to save it themselves


sailor25 - I never rated Dahl anyway most of his books seemed to be purely anti-authority and showed an immaturity and refusal to accept progression into adulthood. Most adults were portrayed as bad and even the adult characters who were the good guys displayed distinctly childish traits. I recall even as a child I found it all slightly ridiculous.

One is led to wonder how much of his writing was a sign of the times against how much he influenced the times with regards to childish rebellion.

I will read books with more positive role models to my children and say let his shed rot


erewhon - According to the museum website, adults are charged £6 and children (5-18) £4. And that for a museum with no shed!

So on top of taking our money, Ms Dahl intends to fleece us for admission and will doubtless charge more when she has safely moved the structure

Sophie and the enormous cheek




From the Telegraph 13/09/2011 
