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The EU, the Euro and Cassandra (0 comments)
In Greek mythology Cassandra was the daughter of King Prian and Queen Hecuba of Troy. When she refused Apollo's attempted seduction, he placed a curse on her so that her predictions and those of all her descendants would not be believed.
What the experts had to say and when they said it
Alan Greenspan
Important person down at the Federal Reserve
The Euro is breaking down and on the verge of collapse
George Soros
American Businessman
..the eurozone is now at an inflection point with just three months left on its lifeline
Noriel Roubini
Another big American economist
The Eurozone will collapse this year. Greece will leave the Eurozone in the next 12 months
Italy and Spain will lose access to capital markets in three to six months
Greece will be out of the Euro in 6 months
John Paulson
Billionaire hedge-fund manager
A 50% chance the Euro will fail and Greece to default by the end of this March (sic)
American multinational financial services corporation
.. 90% probability that Greece will leave Euro in the next 12 months
Martin Feldstein
American economist
Greece is going to default despite all the talk, despite the liquidity package and Portugal will follow
The Economist U
UK magazine
The single currency’s collapse is looming and could break up within weeks
Eddie Hobbs
Financial advisor
The euro collapse imminent
Nigel Farage
Manager of UKIP
Greece will leave Euro fairly quickly
Ron Paul
Former US politician
Collapse of the Euro is imminent
Max Keiser
Financial programme anchor
Euro ready to collapse
Marc Faber
Swiss investor
Get ready for Eurozone breakup
Max Fraad Wolff
Economist and freelance researcher
The Euro will fall apart
Paul Krugman
American economist
The whole thing could fall part in months
The Telegraph
British Newspaper
Half of Britons think Euro will fail by summer
Time Business
US Magazine
Its time to admit the Euro has failed
UK Magazine
... the euro is already dead
David Buik
Another so called expert
Several European countries will have to leave the Euro in 2012
How could so many of these well known experts have got it all wrong ?
And did you notice the absence of any Europeans ?
We are obliged to give the other side of the story at this point to show that there is no bias.
The only thing we could find was this;
Herman Van Rompuy / Jose Barrosso
To the Russians on the 04/06/2012
The Euro will not fail.
The Euro is a safe bet.
And they were both smiling when they said this
Here follows some minor facts of little consequence
The EU is the second largest economy in the world
The Euro is the second largest reserve currency in the world
The Euro is the second most traded currency in the world
The Euro has the highest combined value of banknotes and coins in the world
There are 7 countries outside the Eurozine whose currency is the Euro
Outside of the Eurozone, a total of 23 countries and territories that do not belong to EU have their currencies pegged to the Euro
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